
Line and Shape

Tone, Mark, Pattern & Texture

I have been working with line to create areas of detail and complexity - shade/dark - combining the weight of the lines used and the direction to add texture and pattern that brings to life what would normally be very flat areas of colour - lots of small mark making creates direction

I am looking at the Galapagos Islands and am making drawings of reference from my visual research. Drawings of maps of the Galapagos Islands, trying to combine shape with line making to create strange cropped juxtapositions. Areas of intense colour complemented by the finer more delicate use of textured line making - oil pastel good for blocks of colour - overlapping - erratic

Looking at the 'Darwin's Finches' and his theory that the physical variations between each type found on the Galapagos Islands points to evolution. Using water colour to build up gradual layers of basic shapes - busy - crowded - evolving from simplistic forms - highlighted by line work

Line to create areas of pattern that implies a textured surface - feathers - I have noticed that in order to create a softer looking surface a lot of line work must take place, but a harder looking surface requires less mark making - reflects how many particles make that area up

Contiuous line - forced to study figure of bird without looking away/needing to adjust line work and therefore compromise the visual study

Playing with flat shape and overlapping colour to create simple studies of more islands - Photoshop is useful for creating various shapes quickly and rearranging them to affect the compositional elements - The shapes are fairly rough - imperfect - curved lines and mistakes connote ideas of harmony and most often reflects nature - harder lines and edges appear mechanical and man made - grid lines - map

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