
Studio Brief 1 - Your Initial Brief - Final Outcome

Resolving an Idea

Trying to incorporate 'A' and 'H' within the image has been quite difficult, I focused heavily on the visuals of my initial sketches. Through playing around with collage I found ways to highlight and contrast areas of the image with different tones of black newsprint. The letter forms can now exist within the body of the hamster, making up the face and teeth. I am still unsure if this solution is too subtle but I really wanted to emphasize the imagery and focus less on being restricted within the letter forms.

Final Outcome

Peer Feedback

The feedback I received has been really helpful in making me think more about thumbnails and the importance to be clear in how I organise my work. Someone suggested that I look into digital collages and try to get the same effects using Photoshop, this is something I definitely would like to try out during the induction sessions with Adobe software. Somebody also mentioned that the requirement for the illustration to be black white actually helped my work in communicating sadness, this is something I was completely oblivious to whilst creating it. Looking around the room at the other pieces of work has made me want to examine the way in which I place imagery onto a page, I feel like my compositional skills need developing. It seemed logical to place the image right in the center of the paper, but I now know that I need to properly consider the consequences of doing this and how I can actually consider composition to create dynamic work. 

Overall I am pleased with my final outcome, I wanted it to communicate the sadness on a personal level with the audience. I don't usually work in this way or with that intention in mind, but I think having a clear focus of what I wanted to communicate forced me to be creative in my methods of working.

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