
Persons of Note - Analog to Digital

In this project I want to focus on my Photoshop skills again because there are still areas for improvement and more things I want to try out. I have been scanning my work to try and editing it to try and better visualise some of my initial ideas, for example the image below is a test to see how the colours and contrast I am hoping to use will work together.

 This is not the type of aesthetic I want my work to have, it will instead be digitally collaged and appear less 'drawn'. I want a higher level of finish and quality in my finished pieces and working into my work on Photoshop will help me achieve this.

 I have tried out recreating Gandhi's face by hand, using cut paper and foil, I scanned this in and was hoping to work into it but I don't feel that the quality of the shapes and the edges is good enough, scanning highlights all of the small imperfections, these could be corrected but this method doesn't give me the instant flexibility that working with layers of images in Photoshop does. I feel as if the process is just as intuitive on or off screen, I just have to spend a bit longer cropping and adjusting the levels of the newsprint.

 I really like the visual quality created by collage in Hannah Höch's "BrokenannOkanoue Toshiko's "Falling", the contrast between light and dark whilst retaining texture and grain really appeals to me, I like the halftone 'printed' marks that you can see up close. This is something I will hopefully be able to recreate digitally since my analog methods are not suitable.


Graham Moore's "Mo Derenes" has a a more subtle contrast in texture and has an appealing low- fi look and feel, in my own collage I need to think of ways to highlight and darken certain areas of the face - manipulate in Photoshop - saves having to find exact tone of grey in newspaper - could re-use same piece but keep altering the levels and brightness

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