
Persons of Note - Ideas Development

Trying to capture the main qualites/traits that I see in Gandhi with a vibrant use of colour and bold mark  making - happy - light - gold - warm - blue is calming and peaceful I think it could be nice to work monchromatically, using varying levels of blue. Looking at objects - the robe, flip flops, glasses - somehow incorporate imagery of freedom inside glasses lenses - reflection

I could have the same face repeated onto all of the postcards, but each one could be showing sa different message within the glasses - sum up four key pieces of imagery/symbolism to use - vegetarianism, freedom, peace and prayer?

Stamps could be cropped imagery of gandhi - his trademark features? The poster could make full use of the space and allow me to create a full body Gandhi cradling the Indian population he helped towards freedom?

A simple 'peace' hand gesture for poster? Repetition? Do one image well and re-use? Compositionally I realise I could be more adventurous, but I don't feel as though it is always necessary to be pushing that area of image making quite so hard... I want to include the person and not associated imagery, which requires more information within the frame

Symbols to go inside glasses need to be easily read - banned meat - vegetarianism - leaves?

blue is calming and peaceful I think it could be nice to work monchromatically, using varying levels of blue - maybe highlighted with something else? Making use of notan. I am pleased with these ideas so far, the close up cropped image of Gandhi's face makes as much use of the frame as possible. I am still unsure about the poster and it may change as I begin to take my work into Photoshop.

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