
Illustrator - Grain - Colour - Gradient - 3D

The Illustrator workshops have been really helpful in helping me to understand how I can implement vector based drawing, the concept behind it is really interesting in that my work could be scaled up to any size imaginable without a loss in quality. I am now starting to think of how my work could include line and texture that is scalable to any size, which is something I have never been able to achieve before since I am only used to working within Photoshop which uses pixels. I have been experimenting with what the different brushes can do, as well creating my own in the screenshot above, using block patterns and repeating them in a sequence - this could be good for repetition of certain elements like cars.

Trying to recreate analog line work - pencil marks - I am unsure of this style of working, i think i need to come out of my comfort zone and instead of trying to completely recreate my usual drawing style I should adapt a new way of working with new tools - focus on shape and colour - Andrew lyons uses areas of light and dark to create depth - maybe I could use these techniques to create ore 3D work

Really nice atmosphere created with subtle blues and teals - glass - sky - contrast with yellow accents

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