
Persons of Note - Final Crit

 I am disappointed in myself after today because my lack of progress has affected the final crit in the sense that I didn't get to present anything final. I had to present my digital roughs which are no where near completion despite being so close to the deadline. The feedback I received is clearly affected by this, I didn't get as much back because the quality of the work I presented was lacking. I am confident that I can take these comments and suggestions on board and resolve the problems before the deadline. 

Rubbish composition, rushed, no consideration for the format, floating images, border and background irrelevant - space filling - probably the worst piece of work I have produced all year

My poster is a disaster at the moment and was a messy job put together very quickly, this is definitely being reworked. I need to create something new rather than repeating the face of Gandhi across all three formats, this is making my work appear lazy and rushed. I am going to focus on the composition of things, maybe I can make the postcards more dynamic by cropping them down? The artwork itself needs more time and effort, there could definitely be more collage and texture. The labor invested into a piece of work is most clearly evident in the details, it needs to be more intricate and considered.

Self Evaluation - Plan of Action

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