
That's Pants - Possible Poster?

Above is the poster created by Rowena, I am unsure of the overall result. I think that the image as a whole feels rushed and almost unfinished, I am not to keen on how the space surrounding the type and image has been considered. I think that the communication of our message suffers as a result.

I have had a go at making my own version, using one of the photos from our GIF that sums up our message, I think it is important that the person and the poo are together in one image, since that is what we have focused our whole project around - how it affects the person, highlighting an annoyance. I have used the texture of a cake in Photoshop to get the type looking like sewage. I am hoping the message is clear, the group seems divided on which poster to use but I feel as if more time and effort should have been allocated to making the poster as a group rather than relying on an individual.

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