
Continued drawings of Rjukan

I really think that my basic drawing skills are improving through practice which is something I set out to do with this brief. I want to get used to working with a combination of important elements at once. I am finding working while paying closer attention to the actual subject matter has got me to 'think' a lot more, which sometimes is a bit difficult/confusing. 

Thinking about the message I want to portray, for example happiness in the below picture, has directly affected my choice of media and how I use it. The marks in red are bold and expressive to contrast with the softer yellows and blue, I need to communicate warmth and light. The facial expressions need to be indicative of this as well, using simple bold lines to give a basic outline to the smile and crows feet around the eyes makes the man look content with his surroundings. This page makes me feel happy.

I am also learning to 'finish' an image, I know when I am done - I used to keep working on a piece until it almost moved from being a picture to my thought processes on paper. It's hard trying to find a balance between what is too much and what isn't enough, everything affects it especially areas of colour.

  • Eyes are squinting - half moon shape - creases where cheeks meet mouth - light falling on top of cheeks

  • layout, composition - looking up - light beam - person in the foreground is perceived as being in the light because of the colour contrasts between him and the crowd - scale - ripped paper from cheek - sunlight - highlight - accident

  • Fine liners - scratchy - scan in - birds eye view of man on right drawn over

  • blend - gradient - print of word 'rjukan' using byro pen and hairspray - draw in reverse on back of paper - spray - ink seeps through paper onto other side

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