
Studio Brief 1 - The Visual Journalist - Find a seat

".....(we) don't just straighten and clarify the world, we reflect the world as we venture beyond problem solving into process, experiment and discovery."  – Martin Venezky

I chose to visit Pret, The Park Square and a bench outside King Charles Arena to collect visual research through note taking, photographs and collecting. Whilst I was sat in these places I started to notice patterns and similarities in some of the elements I observed, for example I counted 22 bins from the bench in The Park Square - why so many bins? It was almost a bin per tree. 

As well as looking at the finer details I noticed that everywhere outside was gloomy, colours and surfaces looked dull and muted and the sky was overcast permanently. This seemed to have an affect on people's moods. Hardly anyone who walked past me was smiling or laughing, just staring down with a straight face going about their business. However when I got inside Pret and sat down with a coffee I noticed a complete change in atmosphere and mood. People were sat talking and laughing and it was a cosy setting. The warm lights and furniture shielded from the cold combined with food and drink obviously had an affect on people's moods.

Unsure why I collected these, did I misunderstand the brief? I am slightly worried as to how well the data I have collected can be translated into a successful project. I might have to go off on a tangent with a loose connection to my original source material since I am worried it will be too generic and documentary of a place or objects, for example 'a book of rubbish'.

gloomy - sad - grey

pattern - texture - accidental drawing - mark making

grey - washed over everything

texture - photoshop - fill

bin party

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