
Studio Brief 4 - A Matter of Opinion

50 Cent - Jean Michel Basquiat

Jean Michel Basquiat's '50 Cent' has really inspired my own practice and has shown me that there can be a complete crossover between writing and drawing within illustration. The energy and busy aesthetic really help suck you in and examine the detail. I think it is interesting how people generally use note taking as just a means to get by and look at it purely as information, rather than making note of the way in which everything sits together to actually create something beautiful. Writing is just line making in the same way drawing is, there is just an order and repetition to it. When combined with supporting imagery the writing is transformed into something halfway between handmade info graphics and pure drawing, I think the combination of text and image in this way communicates so much more than anything else.

  • Layering combination of text and image
  • Cutting old notes - combining - becomes almost illegible
  • Areas of built up text work in the same way line does to create texture
  • Not sure I like digital reinterpretation - lacks tactile organic feel of original
  • Layering digitally in Photoshop almost flattens the collage

I have decided that my final piece will be very much like an extension of my sketchbook, in the sense that it will serve as a documentary piece of writing that in itself becomes an illustration. The three pieces I need to create will just be cropped versions of one original page of drawings combined with notes, the notes will be overlapped and repeated onto various types of paper using various media. Since we are allowed to use any shape/media etc I will look into cropping my imagery into long and thin strips to emphasize the scrawling pieces of writing - as if they stretch out and have no space. I will write about my own ideas about where we end up after death, and looking at what other people have experienced/believe in.

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