
Studio Brief 4 - A Matter of Opinion

Final Outcome

My final three illustrations have almost become illegible with the amount of layering and cropping I have used. I found that the process is still ongoing and these pieces could still be worked over and improved upon. I have tried to make use of transparency and communicating through imagery in the form of  religious references and reinterpretations of The Chariot Analogy. I have also written about cell replacement and how our bodies cope with aging, which has led me on to look at topics involving our mortality. Nearly all of our cells are renewed after 7 years, and others just die and don't regenerate, so in one we way we are entirely new people at certain points in our lives. If I am ever changing does that mean there is no 'me' to even be replaced?

Working on this brief has taught me a lot about decision making and selecting successful elements to carry forward. I have challenged the way in which I think of illustration, and after seeing the rest of the groups work I know that there is no clear definition or set of rules as to what it is. In future I would research more into my chosen topic to give me an increased knowledge of what I draw which can only improve the illustrations I produce. I would like to carry on this project but in my own time, as I find working with type and image to be a very effective way of communicating when done right, and my work needs improving. 

Group Crit

The feedback has been insightful this week, I have received a lot more constructive criticism and I agree with all of it. It was pointed out a few times that my final three images don't really communicate the quote very well, or are not very obvious. I understand this and probably went a bit too over the top with layering up information to the point where it has become nonsense. In future I would like to work on a much larger scale and would have definitely scaled my three pieces up if I had more time. Someone noted that my work would be a lot more emmersive if it were on a larger scale but retained the same level of information.

Despite it's shortcomings I am overall pleased with my final piece, I think the colours and texture really make it stand out when combined with lots of writing. The viewer is almost made to seek stuff out, which in turn raises more questions about the topic. I do think that in future I should try to reinterpret my work digitally in this style, I am hoping to try move away from completely relying on analog methods.

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