
Paul Selwood

Paper cut outs - taking off the page - free standing 3D objects - free standing

"His classes were mostly around modelling the life figure but he encouraged you to move into various other ways of seeing the figure. We had Godfrey Miller for instance as a drawing teacher, and the kind of drawing he was doing at the time and the way we were learning to draw the figure in his class, I wanted to translate into the sculpture class, so that the figure became more of a gesture with the positioning of various elements, the simplification I suppose."

"From the very beginning with my geometric forms, pinning them together, I was considering the spaces between, seeing them as positive elements in the sculpture. The actual physical form of the sculpture was forming the edge if you like, forming the shape, so you then had a form of space juxtapositioned against a form of material. That was something very early in my work."

Construction of a 3D object - using flat cut outs? In similar approach to Selwood?

Bone structures in paper

Air Chambers - holes in the cranium - abstracted cut outs

Conrad Marca-Relli

Marca-Relli made a critical breakthrough with large-scale collage paintings that frequently drew inspiration from the human form to create abstract compositions of interlocking curves and angles. He is considered to be one of the first artists to raise the art of collage to a status comparable with monumental painting

corrugated card - bones structures
colour palettes - earthy - fossils
Contrasting textures


Hans Christian Anderson


The paper cuts were not only meant to be a pleasure for the eye but also a challenge to the mind. Often there was a hidden meaning in the paper cuttings - in the same way, as we know it from the fairy tales: on the surface it could amuse, in the depth it would amaze. Some of the paper cuts are purely picture puzzle or rebus others are icons combined to represent a linguistic symbol.


Henri Matisse

Essers, V. (1992). Henri Matisse, 1869-1954. Germany: Benedikt Taschen.


Collage as Drawing

Picasso used line to emphasize the flatness of the surface - charcoal used to outline the papers in the collage - edges of paper create a series of lines meeting a different points

(left) Picasso - Bottle of Vieux, Glass, Guitar and Newspaper
 (right) Picasso - Guitar Collage - Cut and pasted paper, printed paper, charcoal, ink and chalk on coloured paper on board (1913), 26×19 inches.

Hannah Höch & Okanoue Toshiko


 Cut and paste analog visual quality created by collage in Hannah Höch's "Brokenann" and Okanoue Toshiko's "Falling", the contrast between light and dark whilst retaining texture and grain really appeals to me, I like the halftone 'printed' marks that you can see up close. I would like to try and recreate these textures with my own newspaper collages


Graham Moore's "Mo Derenes" has a a more subtle contrast in texture and has an appealing low- fi look and feel, in my own collage I need to think of ways to highlight and darken certain areas